Monday, May 05, 2008

A couple days off

Bob and I are heading to Monterey tomorrow. He's presenting at a conference and I'm tagging along, sans Charlotte. Charlotte is going to Nana and Grandpa's house. I'm positive she'll have more fun with them than she will with us. She loves Nana and Grandpa.

I'm really excited to be going away for two days. I'm trying to keep my excitement bottled in because Bob is really not into conferences (at all) and he really really isn't into presenting at conferences. Needless to say for weeks he has been saying, "I really don't want to go."

We're staying at a nice hotel, going to a cocktail party hosted by one of the law firms that both he and I have done work for in the past, eating dinner out, and breakfast in bed. What is not to look forward to? I'm going to walk and take deep breaths and soak up the ocean air. I hope to find a massage while I'm down there. I'm going to sneak into the conference too, and listen to Bob's presentation.

I have a list a mile long of things I'd like to get done before we hit the road. I better get started!