Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Go Green or Go Home!

We've always enjoyed St. Patrick's Day! My mom made a big deal as long as I can remember. I used to get all sorts of goodies in my lunch including shamrock shaped peanut butter sandwiches on white bread. Yum! In years past my mom has had little parties at her house for family complete with a delicious meal and fun favors for the kids. The past two years however my dad and her were in Arizona, enjoying the sun and some baseball.
This year I thought it would be fun to have a little festive dinner at our house! I told Charlotte we were having a party for St. Patrick's Day and she asked if we could have cupcakes... I told her yes but they needed to have green sprinkles. So she asked if we could have green balloons too... I thought it over and said sure!
We had a nice evening with a few friends. I think dinner tasted great. Charlotte woke up from her nap to find the house transformed into a St. Patrick's Day Party. She proclaimed, "Happy Birthday!" When we asked her whose birthday it was she replied, "Mine!" Since March 17th is officially her half birthday we figured why not!
Plenty of food, laughter and good times. We need to celebrate St. Patricks' Day more than once a year!!!