Friday, May 16, 2008

Confusing Times in Tomato Town

So I'm outback hand-watering the veggie garden because we haven't installed the drip irrigation yet. Not too big of a deal, it is only May 16th. However, it is the second day of 100+ degree weather. I think the weather jumped 30 or 40 degrees overnight. Hello summer!

I'm out there watering and I'm thinking... how strange for the tomatoes. I mean, it sucks for us to adjust to the heat. But the poor tomato plants, they probably don't know what hit them. One minute they are getting comfortable in their new home (our back yard) and the next minute they get hit with REALLY HOT uncomfortable weather. Probably makes their little roots want to shrivel right up.

Tomato plants, pepper plants, squash plants, etc. want to ease into summer. I want to ease into summer.

I talked to the plants. Told them to hang in there. Told them the weather would cool off again and they just needed to learn how to survive and produce award winning veggies. In a few months I guess we'll know if they heard me or not.