Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fist Bumps and Stuff

I'm pretty much over blogging. I often wish I used this space more for clearing my head... but thanks to a few good friends, and Bob who is always listening (or at least pretending to), I have a lot of opportunities to get all the crazy things that go on in my head out...

A lot is going on around here. I'm working... a lot. More than I'm comfortable with but it is fun and interesting (most of the time) and keeps my brain fired up.
We're having another baby! I'm 16/17 weeks pregnant... in a couple weeks we find out if Charlotte will have a brother or a sister. Pretty exciting. We're totally ready (well not ready, but certainly willing) for the chaos that comes with a 2 kid household!
Charlotte started pre-school. It is a pre-school/daycare facility for 18 mos and older. She's in a classroom with other non potty-trained kids. As soon as she learns to pee in the toilet she'll move to a different class. She goes three mornings a week (Tuesday-Thursday) and was sad when I dropped her off today (her first day) but happy when she saw me and exclaimed, "Mamma this is fun!" when I picked her up. They served her favorite food today for lunch, black beans and rice... the kid was in heaven! She's such a trooper. I'm excited about three mornings a week when I'll be able to get work done, either at home or at the office and excited for Charlotte to teach me the things she learns in school.
When I picked her up today she and the teacher "fist bumped" goodbye after a high five. Our president-elect would be proud, her father would be proud, I was proud! Gotta love the fist bump!
Can't wait to see what she learns next week. Maybe something geared towards the financial crisis? Or perhaps she'll learn to tackle global warming? Potty training can wait!