Sunday, December 14, 2008


We had a totally fun family day at the California State Rail Road Museum. Charlotte loves that place. She's a caboose member which means we get in for free. She usually heads straight upstairs where all the Thomas trains are set up on tables for the kids to play with but we lucked out and convinced her checking out all the real trains downstairs was fun, too. The Train Museum is truly one of the best parts about living in Sacramento. It is a gem. We need to go there more often.

Charlotte is more and more a kid and not even a toddler anymore. She follows directions, communicates what she wants and how she feels about things and is typically a source of non-stop entertainment. Yesterday while I was at the grocery store she was resisting her nap. Bob finally went up to her room to see what the noise was all about. She says to him, "Just watch a little bit of Thomas, dada." He said, "No Charlotte you are going to take a nap." She ended up needing a diaper change and said to him probably ten times, "Watch just a little bit of Thomas, dada." Then she sits up and says,
"Here's the deal. Watch just a little bit of Thomas."
Which resulted in her going downstairs to watch a LOT of Thomas. How do you resist a two year old that bargains with "Here's the deal..." I am afraid she learned that one from me.
Spending the week packing and having the house organized before our big Hawaiian adventure!