Monday, June 07, 2010


We've been trying for weeks, no months, no YEARS to get rid of crap/stuff around the house.  It is a full time job.  And that full time job is kicking my butt.  I have managed to put baby clothes and baby stuff in black bags and it is all downstairs.  I am donating our clothes/gear to the Crisis Nursery in Sacramento.  It is a good organization and helps mother's get on their feet and helps babies in need.  I hope to get it all in the back of my car today (one step closer to being donated).
But in our efforts to get items OUT of the house we made a big purchase yesterday.  A FREEZER!  We have a basement in our 100 year old house.  It isn't fancy, and it isn't big.  But it is cool, and somewhat clean and it is empty (except for some wine).  I had this great idea that we could buy a freezer and store the staples that freeze well.  The refrigerator/freezer combo in our kitchen is small, especially the freezer portion.  Lately all I ever do is go to the grocery store (you really do eat more food when you have another mouth to feed)!  So my thinking was if we could stock up on the items we eat most days, and only needed to do weekly shopping for produce and milk we could not only save money (hello, costco!) but we would eat at home and eat healthier food simply because it was here in our house.
So yesterday the Wagner Four cruised the aisles of costco stocking up on food to freeze.  It was fun, and funny at the same time.  We bought popsicles (we have a big of a family obsession with them... when all looks wrong in the world, have a popsicle!)  You should try this.  It truly works. 
We bought meat, cheese, fresh ravioli and other items.  Many of the items we stocked up on do not get frozen but we decided we will store them in our basement, too. 
And a personal best for us... after stocking the house full of food, we did NOT go out to eat last night!  We ate at home... in our backyard!  It was the second night in a row.
As much as I hate the heat and the looming 100+ degree days (I need the beach, baby) I can get used to eating outdoors with my family!
And for dessert?  We had popsicles, of course!


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