Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring is here

Spring is here and things are feeling crazily hectic.  It didn't help that all of us (except for Bob) were hit with this awful stomach bug that went around Charlotte's school.  I got it about 48 hours after Abigail and was unable to eat or do much of anything for a good four days.  Not the way I like to lose weight but now I just hope I can keep it off and lose a few more.
While we try to enjoy the little things I feel consumed with accomplishing things.  Notably a garden... not every kind of vegetable under the sun but the basics... zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and Charlotte requested strawberries.  I hope they grow (for her sake).  She said she looks forward to picking them and putting them in baskets.  We've also been re-vamping the "thoughtful spot" and this year it is hopefully going to be better than ever.
We got most of the plants in the ground and the thoughtful spot somewhat cleaned up today.  We've been working on this all week.  I'm psyched.
Have I ever mentioned Charlotte's Brooklyn accent?  It is strange.  Strange as in we have no idea where it comes from.  She had a fun sleep over at Nana and Grandpa's this past weekend.  They were working in the garden.  Nana says, "Charlotte put it here in the dirt."  And Charlotte replies, "in the doit?"  So Nana says, "No Charlotte, dirt."  So Charlotte says, "Doit!"
Nana:"Charlotte can you say dirt?" 
Charlotte: "Doit."
Nana:"Charlotte can you say dirt?" 
Charlotte: "Doit."Nana:"Charlotte can you say dirt?" 
Charlotte: "Doit."Nana:"Charlotte can you say dirt?" 
Charlotte: "Nana, I think I'll just call it soil."

I'm telling you we have quite the smarty pants on our hands.
Pictures of the backyard coming soon...In the meantime, look who is almost ready to party!