Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stuffy Stuff

I think we survived the stomach flu epidemic.  Charlotte was the only person who fell prey in this house.  It went around her school (is still going around) and she was down and out for a good 48 hours.  She's eating and back to her normal feisty self and our house is very very sanitized and clean.
But... cluttered.  Not cluttered to someone who would walk in and take a look.  It looks neat and tidy and somewhat spartan in decor.  BUT... we have piles and piles and piles of CRAP!  None of us are good at throwing things away, but more importantly how on earth does it find its way into our house in the first place???
It doesn't help that we have kids and with kids comes crap but still!!!
Charlotte is a collector.  She loves little piles of stuff in little boxes and bags everywhere.  But it isn't only her.  We all have piles of stuff.  And we aren't organized... at all.
I have a dream of having an organized stuffy-stuff free house!!!  I wish some magic fairy would fly into our house (we have two chimneys if they prefer) and organize... and then vanish.  I promise magic fairy if someone did all the initial organizing I would stay up on it!!!

Easter baskets are basically full of "stuff" that eventually ends up in piles around our house!!!  A perfect example.
And the letter that comes between i and k in the alphabet, I'd love to type it but the key is missing from our keyboard.  Which means if I need that letter, then I have to think of a synonym for the word because I can't type the word and leave out the letter (you know the letter that comes between i and k)... how annoying is that?  We need a new keyboard!