Thursday, May 06, 2010

The 4 o'clock crazies

Abigail's nap schedule is not particularly "regular:"  It is and it isn't.  It is in the sense that she takes two naps a day, most days.  Her naps are usually about 1.5 hours each.  But depending when she wakes up in the morning (also not regular), the afternoons can be long.  Very very long.
Today we're trying to think of something to do and we're also trying to keep from destroying the house even more.  Have I ever mentioned she does NOT stop moving the minute she's up?  It is exhausting (for me).  To be honest, I think it is exhausting for Charlotte too. In a STOP MESSING WITH MY STUFF kind of way.
We need to think of something to do, and fast. 
The garden is coming along nicely.  I need to find some neat decor for the area to cozy it up.


Consejos para reformar la cocina said...

Interesting and really well written! Most blogs on the web are not that simple and good like this one.